教授 博导
• 热能工程系主任、新能源汽车与节能热利用中心副主任
• 中国汽车工业协会空调专家委员会委员
• 中国汽车工程学会热系统分会专家委员
• 中国制冷学会汽车热管理分会专家委员
• 江苏省双创人才
• 热泵空调、电池热管理专家
1. 新能源车热管理
2. 微通道传热
3. 智能设计
4. 电池热管理与热安全
1. 工程热力学
2. 发电设备
3. 教授专题讲座
4. 计算流体力学
5. 热工测试方法与技术
1. 校企合作项目,三电系统热管理系统开发 ,2020.01-2024.12
2. 校企合作项目,电池包热管理系统开发2021.02-2022.12
3. 校企合作,超低温热泵空调系统开发,2016.12-2019.12
4. 吉林省科技发展计划项目-技术攻关,电动车用低温热泵空调系统技术攻关,2019.1-2021.12
5. 国家自然科学基金联合基金,吉大+北航+比亚迪,车用动力电池系统热场分布、热传输机理及热 管理研究,2019.1-2022.12参加人
1.Experimental Research on Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannel with Refrigerant HFO1234y,Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer,2021,corresponding author
2. Effects of Thermostat Layouts on Cooling Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks,Automobile Technology, 2021,corresponding author
3.Optimization analysis of air conditioning duct structure of high velocity train, 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1732 012169, 2021,corresponding author
4. Performance analysis of electric vehicle heat pump air conditioning system,Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition), 2021,corresponding author
5.Performance analysis on liquid-cooled battery thermal management for electric vehicles based on machine learning, Journal of Power Sources, 2021,corresponding author
6.Effect of pipes in heat pump system on electric vehicle energy saving, International Journal of Green Energy, 2020,corresponding author
7.Numerical Analysis of Cooling Plates with Different Structures for Electric Vehicle Battery Thermal Management Systems, J. Energy Eng., 2020,corresponding author
8.Heating Performance Characteristics of an Electric Vehicle Heat Pump Air Conditioning System Based on Exergy Analysis, Energies , 2020,corresponding author
9.Exergy Analysis of Electric Vehicle Heat Pump Air Conditioning System with Battery Thermal Management System, International Journal of heat transfer, 2020,corresponding author
10. More then 30 patents have been published during 2016-2020.
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