2006.09-2011.12 大连理工大学能源与环境工程专业 硕士研究生/博士研究生;
2012.08至今 赌博游戏-手机赌博游戏
1. 吉林省科技发展计划技术攻关 氢燃料电池汽车高压储氢及其氢氧供给系统关键技术研究2019.01-2021.12 主持
2. 国家重点研发计划专项 动力电池系统总体设计研究 2017.07-2021.06 主持
3. 国家自然科学青年基金 天然气水合物分解对沉积物力学特性的影响研究 2014.01-2016.12 主持
4. 吉林省博士后基金 原位条件下天然气水合物沉积物基础力学特性研究 2013.09-2016.12 主持
5. 国家博士后基金 含天然气水合物海底沉积层的力学特性研究 2014.03-2016.12 主持
[1]Feng Yu, Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derived from vehicle exhaust gas induces premature senescence in mouse lung fibroblast cells,MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS, 2019(SCI )
2]陈坤,李君,曲大为,于锋,刘艺,贾春晖. 基于红外热成像技术的锂离子电池热特性试验研究, 科学技术与工程, 2019
[3]基于红外热成像技术的软包锂电池热特性分析, 李君,付莹,于锋 ,刘艺, 科学技术与工程. 2020
[4]叶可,李君,曲大为,于锋, 外界供给参数对PEMFC输出性能及水热平衡的影响, 可再生能源,2021
[6]Song, YC*; Yu, Feng; Li, YH; Liu, WG; Zhao, JF. Mechanical property of artificial methane hydrate under triaxial compression. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. Vol, 19(3), 246-250, 2010. (SCI )
[7]Yu, Feng; Song, YC*; Li, YH; Liu, WG; Lam WH. Analysis of stress-strain behavior and constitutive relation of methane hydrate-bearing sediments with various porosity. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. Vol 21( 2), 1–7, 2011. (SCI )
[8]Yu, Feng; Song, YC*; Li, YH; Liu, WG; Lam WH. Analyses of stress strain behavior and constitutive model of artificial methane hydrate. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol 77(2), 183-188, 2011. (SCI )
[9]Li YH, Song YC*, Yu F, Liu WG, Zhao JF. Experimental study on mechanical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments using kaolin clay. China ocean engineering, Vol 25(1), 113-122, 2011. (SCI )
[10]Li Y., Zhao H., Yu F., Song Y*., Liu W., Li Q., Yao H. Investigation of the stress-strain and strength behavior of ice containing methane hydrate. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. Vol 26(4), 149-159, 2012. (SCI )
[11]Li Y., Song Y*., Liu W., Yu F. Experimental Research on the Mechanical Properties of Methane Hydrate-Ice Mixtures. Energies. Vol 5(2), 181-192, 2012. (SCI )
[12]于锋, 宋永臣*, 李洋辉. 含冰甲烷水合物的应力应变关系研究,石油学报,第32卷,第4期,1-6页,2011。(EI)
[13]李洋辉, 宋永臣*, 于锋. 围压对水合物沉积物力学特性的影响,石油勘探与开发,第38卷,第5期,637-640页,2011。 (EI)
[1]Yu, Feng; Song, YC*; Liu, WG. Study on shear strength of artificial methane hydrate. The 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineerin. , June 6-11, 2010, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-21174. (ISTP)
[2]Feng Yu, Yongchen Song*, Weiguo Liu. Study on Strength of Artificially Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Containing Various Volumetric Methane Hydrate Content. The 5th International Conference on Cooling & Heating Technologies, 9-11 December 2010. Bandung, Indonesia, 050:1-9.
[3]Feng Yu, Weiguo Liu, Yongchen Song*. Study on strength of methane hydrate-clay sediments under triaxial compression. The 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, July 17-21, 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
[4]李清平,宋永臣,刘卫国,李洋辉,于锋,王世圣,姚海元. 一种用于天然气水合物原位生成与分解的三轴试验装置,2011.9,中国,专利号:201110002804.1
[5]宋永臣,李洋辉,刘卫国,于锋,王锐,聂雄飞. 水合物沉积物原位生成与分解及其渗透率测量一体化装置,2011.9,中国,专利号:201110353136.7
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